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    公共采购法核心词汇汇编(双语)/Glossary of Public Procurement Law Terminology (bilingual)


    1. 本词汇汇编是Asialink公共采购法教学研究项目下的一部分,其目的在于为理解公共采购法的核心词汇提供帮助。
    2. 本词汇汇编的英语部分(第一部分)所选词汇主要来自欧盟采购指令、联合国国际贸易法委员会公共采购示范法、WTO政府采购协定、世界银行贷款项目采购指南公共采购法律文件中的核心词汇,辅之以实践部门所做的词汇汇编等。其解释均具有权威出处,包括上述法律文本自己给出的定义、立法和执法部门给予的解释,辅之以权威词典和权威学者的解释。鉴于公共采购法术语的差异性,对每个术语的解释都给出了其所在的法律和条文环境出处。
    3. 本词汇汇编中文部分(第二部分)所选词汇主要来自于中国《招标投标法》和《政府采购法》,辅之以公用事业/基础设施特许经营法、政府采购和招标投标规章和地方性法规。其解释遵循了有关中国法律解释的法律和基本理论,综合考虑了立法解释、司法解释、行政解释、学者解释、文义解释等方法。
    4. 感谢合作大学的同事对本项工作给予的协助。囿于时间、资源及编者水平所限,错误之处在所难免,敬请各位贤达批评指正。
    The work is part of the outputs of the Asialink project on public procurement regulation the purpose of which is to assist understanding of the core terminology of public procurement laws.
    The English entries (Section I) are selected mainly from the well-recognized legal instruments on public procurement such as the EU Directives on public procurement, the UNCITRAL Model Law on public procurement, the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and World Bank Procurement Guidance. The interpretation of the terms draws reference to such authorities as the definitions in these legal documents per se, government’s interpretation at operational level, well-known author’s authoritative books and dictionaries. Given the varieties and differences of the terminology in different legal instruments, the contexts of terms are carefully given.
    The Chinese entries (Section II) are carefully selected from the primary procurement laws, i.e. the Bidding Law (BL) and Government Procurement Law (GPL), supplemented by the secondary regulations. The interpretation follows the Chinese regulation and the theoretical principles on the interpretation of Chinese laws, taking comprehensive considerations of such methods as legislative interpretation, judicial interpretation, administrative interpretation, scholar interpretation, literal interpretation etc.
    We acknowledge the valuable assistance of colleagues from our partner universities. Any errors are ours and we welcome any criticism.





    下载请点击:(download)曹富国主编:公共采购法核心词汇汇编(双语),Asialink 2010.pdf
