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  • 伦敦政治经济学院副院长W•T•Murphy教授莅临我校发表精彩演讲



                              C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E

                           W. T. M U R P H Y

    Date/Place of Birth:  

    13 October 1952, Nottingham, England


    U.K citizen.


    Nottingham High School and Downing College, Cambridge; Exhibitioner, 1972; Scholar 1973. B.A. 1975 (L.Q.1, Law Tripos Parts I and II, Class 1).


    1999 Professor of Law, London School of Economics, University of London

    1991 Reader in Law, University of London, 1991-1999

    1978 Day-release course tutor, T.U.C., [1978-1981]
    Lecturer in Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1978 -1991

    1977 Part-time tutor in labour law and industrial relations, W.E.A. [1977-1981]

    1976 Lecturer in Law, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1976-1978.

    1975 Lecturer in Legal Writing and Director of Moot Court Program, Northwestern University School of Law, 1975-1976.

    Professional Associations

    1976 Member, Society of Legal Scholars (formerly Society of Public Teachers of Law) [to present]


    In preparation:

    “Cultures of Criticism” (paper for international seminar August 2005 at Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, India) to be published in 2007


    Review of Berman Law and Revolution II, MLR

    “Durkheim in China”,  for Michael Freeman, ed, Law and Sociology (OUP),

    “From Subject to System: Some unsystematic systems-theoretic thoughts on Race Equality and Human Rights” in Michael King and Chris Thornhill, ed, Luhmann on Law and Politics:
    Critical Appraisals and Applications (Hart, 2006) 55-74 (Spanish translation of the chapter to appear shortly)
    Review of W. Wesley Pue and David Sugarman (eds), Lawyers and Vampires: Cultural Histories of Legal Professions, Hart  2003


    Cong Li Shi Shi Jiao Kan Ying Guo Fa Zhi (The Rule of Law in Britain in Historical Perspective, trans. Wei Hongfa) in (2005) Fa Zhi Yu She Hui Fa Zhan (Law and Social Development) 25-33

    “Theory in Practice in a Global Age: : What Legal Theory Can and Cannot Do” was published in Law in the Global Age and the Future of Korean Law (Korea University 2005) and a revised version will appear in the Socio-Legal Review, (National Law School of India at Bangalore) in 2006.

    “Legal fabrications and the case of "Cultural Property” in Alain Pottage and Martha Mundy, ed, Law Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social [CUP] 115-141

    Understanding Property Law, Fourth edition. Sweet and Maxwell. [With Simon Roberts and Tatiana Flessas]


    “Include Me Out”  29 Journal of Law and Society  342-354


    "Modernising Justice Inside "UK plc": Mimesis, De-differentiation and Colonisation" (in David Nelken and Jiri Priban, ed, Law’s New Boundaries (Ashgate) 218-248

    "Law, history of its relation to the social sciences" [for International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001) ed. Neil Smelser and Paul Baltes.

    "The Habermas Effect and Academic Law" reprinted  in Roger Cotterrell, ed, Sociological Perspectives on Law Vol I: Classical Foundations (Ashgate) 383-413


    “Postmodernism: legal theory, legal education and the future” 7 International Journal of the Legal Professions 357-379

    Review of Mitchell Dean, Governmentality, 63 MLR 785-788


    "BritCrits: Subversion and Submission Past Present and Future"  10 Law and Critique 237-278


    Understanding Property Law, Third Edition. Sweet and Maxwell. (With Simon Roberts)

    Review of Richard A. Posner, Law and Legal Theory in the UK and USA, Modern Law Review


    The Oldest Social Science? Configurations of Law and Modernity. Oxford University Press.

    “The boundaries of the legal”, in K. Tuori, Z. Bankowski and J. Uusitalo et al (eds.) Law and Power. Critical and Socio-Legal Essays (Deborah Charles Publications, Liverpool 1997) 141-155

    Review of Richard Susskind, The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology,  Modern Law Review

    Review of Roberto Mangabeira Unger, What Should Legal Analysis Become? Modern Law Review

    Review of William Twining, Blackstone's Tower: The English Law School, Modern Law Review

    Review of Geoffrey Wilson, ed, Frontiers of Legal Scholarship, Modern Law Review

    Review of Thomas Dumm,  Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom, British Journal of Sociology  


    Understanding Property Law, Second Edition, Reprint with revisions. Sweet and Maxwell. (With Simon Roberts).

    “The Oldest Social Science?” reprinted in Sugarman, ed, Law in History: Histories of Law and Society, Vol II, (Aldershot: Dartmouth), 41-74.

    Review of Eileen Spring, Law, Land and Family: Aristocratic Inheritance in England 1300 to 1800. Modern Law Review.


    “One of Us? Politics, Difference and Affirmative Action” XIII Current Legal Theory Special Issue 2: The Rhetoric of Reconstruction. Architectural Moves beyond Interpretation (ed. Jan Broekman, David Kennedy, Jacques Lenoble) 21-52

    Review of Stephen P Turner and Regis A Factor, Max Weber: The Lawyer as Social Thinker, British Journal of Sociology


    “Systems of systems: some issues in the relationship between law and autopoiesis”   V Law and Critique 241-264

    Understanding Property Law, Second Edition. HarperCollins. (With Simon Roberts)

    “As If: Camera Juridica,” in C. Douzinas, P. Goodrich and Y. Hachamovitch, (eds.), Politics, Postmodernity and Critical Legal Studies: the Legality of the Contingent, (London: Routledge) 69-106

    Review of Foucault's New Domains. Edited by Mike Gane and  Terry Johnson.  British Journal of Sociology

    Review of Lawyers in a Postmodern World. Translation and Transgression. Edited by Maureen Cain and Christine B. Harrington., British Journal of Sociology


    “The Bondage of Freedom: Max Weber in the Present Tense,” in  A. Norrie, ed, Closure or Critique: New Directions in Legal Theory, (Edinburgh University Press) 61-79.

    "The Style of the Critic" Law and Critique

    Review of C. Douzinas et al, Postmodern Jurisprudence, British Journal of Sociology

    Review of G. Rose, The Broken Middle, British Journal of Sociology


    “Weber and the Rationalisation of Law: A Critical Appraisal” University of Manchester, Faculty of Law Working Papers, 10, February 1992

    Review of D. Garland, Punishment and Modern Society, British Journal of Sociology


    “The Oldest Social Science?  The Epistemic Character of the Common Law Tradition” 54 Modern Law Review 182-215.

    Review of Heward, Lord Denning: a Biography, Modern Law Review


    Editor, Special Issue on Legal Education; Law and Critique first number (with Ronnie Warrington, Peter Rush and Shaun McVeigh)

    “The Habermas Effect: Critical Theory and Academic Law” 42 Current Legal Problems 1989 135-165.

    `Reference Without Reality: A Comment on a Commentary on Codifications of Practice,' 1 Law and Critique 61-79

    Review of M. Foley, The Silence of Constitutions, Modern Law Review.

    Review of Carnall and Nicholson (ed.) The Impeachment of Warren Hastings, Public Law


    “Foucault: Rationality Against Reason and History,” in Windsor (ed.) Reason and History (Leicester University Press, 1989, University of Michigan Press, 1990) 126-156.

    “Reason and Society: The Science of Society and the Sciences of Man” in Windsor (ed.) Reason and History (1989, 1990) 56-88.

    “Instead of Kant,” (with Philip Windsor), in Windsor (ed.) Reason and History (1989, 1990) 15-20.


    Understanding Property Law. Fontana/Collins. (With Simon Roberts)

    Editor, Legal Scholarship in the Common Law World; Modern Law Review 50th Anniversary Number (with Simon Roberts)

    “Introduction” (to Legal Scholarship in the Common Law World (with Simon Roberts) 50 Modern Law Review 677-687

    “Memorising Politics of Ancient History” 50 Modern Law Review 384-405.

    Review of  Atiyah, Pragmatism and Theory in English Law, Public Law.

    Review of  Jowell and Oliver (ed.), The Changing Constitution and McAuslan and McEldowney (ed.), Law, Legitimacy and the Constitution, Public Law.


    Review of Benn and Gaus,(ed.), Public and Private in Social Life, Public Law

    “Modern Times: Niklas Luhmann on Law, Politics and Social Theory” 47 Modern Law Review 603-620.


    “After Boland: Law Com. No. 115” 46 Modern Law Review.

    “Come Whoam to Thi Childer An' Me” 46 Modern Law Review 363-379.

    The Family Home. Sweet and Maxwell (With Hilary Clark)

    Review of J.A.G. Griffith, Politics of the Judiciary (2nd ed.), Public Law.


    Review of Paterson, The Law Lords, L.A.G. Bulletin.

    Editor, Labour Law and the Community (with Lord Wedderburn of Charlton). (IALS. 1982)

    “Workers, Consumers, Class and Community” in Wedderburn and Murphy, (eds.), Labour  Law and the Community (IALS, 1982) 137-141.

    “Home Ownership” in Anderman (ed.), Law and the Weaker Party (Professional Books, 1982)

    “After the Ancien Regime” Part 2 (with R.W. Rawlings), 45 Modern Law Review 34-61.

    “Searches for Spaces” 45 Modern Law Review.

